Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Whimsy Catcher

The Whimsy Catcher

So I know I said my next post was going to be tutorials but I got sidetracked (get used to it) by this. Since I started the blog last week my mind has been literally going crazy with ideas for projects and I have to write these things down or draw them or they are gone. I knew that the perfect place to do that would have been my teal notebook. It is kind of where the inspiration behind "The Whimsy Diaries" was born. I bought this notebook on clearance at Target probably 4 years ago and it is one of my most prized possessions. I love pinterest and I love my iphone but I sometimes need something that is completely from my own brain to the paper. This book has a crazy mix of things from recipes jotted down from a friend to Christmas lists for my kids to sketches of something I want to make. As I looked back through this book, I realized it's probably the closest I will ever get to journaling. But it's full. Enter Black Friday, and Michael's sketch books were on sale buy one get on free!! I thought it was the perfect solution and after pulling out all of my fabric scraps, throwing a piece of scrapbooking paper on the cover with modge podge, this is what I came up with.
I basically just cut a wide strip of heavier fabric, hemmed it and attached little strips with a flap for a pocket for my pencils and to keep the book closed when I am not using it. I also used stamps to stamp my initial on a piece of fabric. So I am calling it "The Whimsy Catcher" and it will catch all of the stray thoughts coming out of my brain! I am excited to use it and keep all of my ideas organized (well, we can hope right?). I always have random bits of time waiting for a therapy appt. or to pick someone up from school and I know exactly how I will be spending those!!
Wow, it is kind of disturbing how happy a book full of blank paper can make me. I guess I should be more understanding when my kids have stolen all the printer paper. . . . . . . . .


  1. cutest notebook ever!! I love the place for a pencil/pen. GENIUS!

  2. I love blank paper and empty space as they are full of possibilites. Kind of like Saturday mornings when no one has to be anywhere. You're not the only girl with dreams ;) Fabulous notebook, btw!!!
