I have had this fabric for awhile and figured I should use it. I made one of these tops for each of my girls but
Bramli is not big on getting her picture taken so
Londyn is my model. As you can see she hates it. . . . .
hehe. Here is your supply list, I am estimating as I made 2 tops and had leftovers.
1 yard main fabric (fits 7 yr old)
1/4 yard contrasting fabric
1/4 yard of lining/bib fabric

I started out by cutting the fabric doubled and folded to the measurement of my girls' shoulders and then the length by measuring shoulder to hip, I then added 1/2 inch for inseams. I simple added 4 inches to the shoulder measurement for the bottom of the top so that it would flare out. I also doubled the fabric and cut 7 inch by 4 inch rectangles, for my big girl, for sleeves. For the bib I folded the fabric and traced a water bottle cap for the bib making it 7 inches long and about the same across, making it oval shaped along the bottom. I did the same thing for the scalloped hem but with a juice lid. Double the fabric, cut it the same length as the bottom of your top and cut your scallops. I just pinned the bib piece to the brown dot and bottom scallop to the cream fabric with both right sides up, and the used my machine to sew them together by following the scallops on the top piece, then I cut the brown dot and the cream to match the scallops. Then cut a 2 by 7 inch strip of brown for the button placket.

Above are the pieces you should have
2 sleeve pieces
front and back piece of shirt, I cut the shoulders on the top fold of fabric so I didn't have to
sew the shoulders together
bib piece
bottom scallop front and back
button placket

Here is the bib, same thing for bottom. I sewed the sides of the top together and then
attached the sleeves by just putting them into the arm holes right side of fabric together and sewing them. The nice thing about this was that I am sure you noticed I cut the sleeves long and square, once they were in I had plenty of length to play with and I simple trimmed the inside where there was excess in the arm pit from cutting the ends square. I did do a little scallop and then hemmed it. I cut a square neck by folding my top and then cutting it to the dimensions of the bib. I hemmed the neck,
attached my bib and button placket and then hand stitched the buttons. the neck is a bit big but it was nice because I didn't have to mess with buttons or anything and she totally has room to grow.

Next time I am going to try to get Bramli to pose for me, people are going to start thinking she doesn't exist!!!